Secure payment
Using Visa/Mastercard/Paypal
Whenever you link your financial accounts to an online service, security should be at the top of your mind. This is why security is our top priority and why we use PayPal (one of the most popular tools for all of our customers credit and debit card transactions.
PayPal Security for buyers
Your financial information
PayPal helps keep your transactions secure by not sharing your full financial information with sellers.
24/7 Monitoring
PayPal monitor transactions 24/7. That should help you rest easy.
Secure technology
PayPal encryption help keeps your online transactions guarded from start to finish.
Fraud prevention
Contact PayPal if anything seems suspicious so we can help you protect yourself from fraudulent charges against your account. We'll never ask for sensitive information in an email.
Dispute resolution
If there's a problem with a transaction, PayPal allows it to be put a hold on the funds until the issue is resolved. PayPal investigates and stays involved every step of the way.
Purchase protection around the globe
Buy flowers from Tin's Flower Shop from anywhere around the globe. Tin's Flower Shop with PayPal integration can process 25 currencies in over 200 markets to make purchasing as simple and secure as possible.